December, 2015
Hi Erik, How are you lately?
Hello, and thanks for your interest in So Much For Nothing. I guess I’m ok. It rarely helps to whine and complain
all the time, so I try not to bother anyone with it.
Your album Livsgnist is released on
Jan, 2012. How are the reactions, reviews for the album from press, fans and
your label My Kingdom Music? Do you have any plans for a new album recently?
The album got massive critics when it was released. It sticks out from
the normal metal release and because of that, I guess it gained some extra cred
from the review writers, in addition to the simple fact that it’s a really
solid album in the first place. I’ve also gotten lots of feedback from people
saying this and that about how good this shit sounds, so that’s of course a
positive thing along all this negativity. As for a new album; all songs are
written, but I’m not finished with all the lyrics and vocal arrangements yet.
After tons of delay, I hope we will start recording it late this summer.
So Much For Nothing (SMFN) is
started as your solo project but now drummer Uruz is also permanent member. Now
there you have kick offs for live performances first at Inferno Festival on
February 1st and then Under the black sun festival on 3-5 July 2014. Will you
use live members or are then any plans for permanent ones?
As for now, I think we will keep on going with this live members
situation as it seems to work really good. As you mention, we just played our
first gig ever at the kickoff event for the Inferno Festival, and I don’t think
it could have gone much better.
Do you have influences from
classical music or other genres while you are creating SMFN music? You are
using various instruments like violin, cello, saxophone, trumpet that bring experimental
atmosphere to SMFN music. SMFN seems like contribution of dark experimental pop
into black metal. How do you define SMFN music?
I like listening to classical music, but I rarely do it anyway. Although
I listen to lots of movie soundtracks, and you can find lots of classical music
there, so… I probably do, when I think of it twice. However, the instruments
you mention is not played by myself, but some talented people I know. I just
play the basics on the album; guitars and bass, as well as some small parts
with piano and flute. As for the inspiration, I must say that my main
inspiration comes from pop music and black metal, as those are the two genres I
mainly listen to myself. And as for how I will define SMFN, it’s easy;
The melancholic tones of SMFN catch
from the beginning of the songs throwing out the listeners to the unpredictable
utter darkness. Oldchool guitars riffs, sorrowful vocals, sharp deathwish,
suicidal lyrics are the ones what I can say about your music. What are your
influences coming from? Do you think creativity is implicated in extremism,
pain and destruction?
As for creativity in general, I don’t think this HAS to come from something extreme, sorrowful or whatever, but if you take a look at the history, many of the greatest artists of all time don’t seem like they have been happy as a teletubby, so to speak.
There is a trendy description for
depressive black metal music as suicidal black metal? Do you think if it is
used to describe some sort of music? Do you call SMFN suicidal black metal?
Of course it’s used as a description for a special type of genre which
doesn’t exactly fit the regular extreme metal, black metal or whatever. But isn’t
depressive and suicidal black metal sort of the same when referring to bands in
one of those categories? Anyway, I don’t mind what label music get, and I’ve
seen this label when speaking of SMFN as well. I don’t mind what other people
say, but personally I just call it metal-pop/rock. Not suicidal or depressive
or something like that. Plenty of bands and artists outside the metal genre
have sombre lyrics without being labeled with that tag. I mean… Have you ever
heard the term “suicidal synth pop” or “depressive country” when referring to a
band/artist that happens to write about the darker aspects of life? I haven’t…
Livsgnist means “spark of life”
which takes me think about Nietzschean affirmation theory.
In The Birth of
Tragedy Nietzsche maintains that the Greeks knew well that life is
terrible, inexplicable and dangerous yet didn’t surrender to pessimism by
turning their backs on it. Instead, they "transmuted" the world and
human life through art. Their culture is a unity of two "attitudes"—the
forces of life (Dionysian) and the love of form and beauty (Apollonian).
Saying “yes” to life, feeling the
joy of exhaustlessness of you, a pleasure featuring the pleasure taken from
destruction… Do they take part in SMFN ideology? What do you wanna say about
this resemblance?
Well, I haven’t been giving this issue much thought… But as stated, “the
forces of life and the love of form and beauty” sounds pretty much intact with
a part of how the concept behind SMFN works.
Nihilism might be defined as severe
misery resulting from meaningless efforts and loosing the meaning of life. Do
you call yourself nihilist? How do you define it by your own words?
I think I will rather call myself a realist if I have to put a tag on
myself, which I prefer not to. But according to the definition of nihilism in
the question, I guess it suits me in some levels. Again, I haven’t given this
much of a thought either… I simply am who I am and do what I do, without having
the urge to find a definition or to find out under which label I “belong”.

I think this is a very individual
matter; when and why people commit suicide. But of course it’s some sort of
passion… There’s a reason why they want to leave this world, so they probably
have a passion for suicide, right? But frankly, I don’t care…...
In SMFN lyrics love and death are in
touch in many sides. Moreover, in the songs of One Last Night and Suffer in
Silence, love is threatened to death if not commits a suicide. What kind of
relationship do love and death have according to you?
I guess both
love and death are two really emotional topics, and the thought of one or the
other can probably be too much for some people. Of course you have the lack of
love which can lead to death, but also the love of death – the curiosity of
what’s on the other side (even though I personally don’t think it’s anything
waiting for you there) or those who somehow fall in love with the thought of
dying, as they can’t stand this world anymore. I don’t know…. I can probably
come up with many more thoughts around this subject, but does it really matter
what I think? When reading lyrics, it’s best to think about what you get out of
them yourself, instead of trying to “understand” the author’s thoughts, at
least in my opinion. In most cases, you will probably get in wrong anyway.
Many suicides are seen in black
metal genre, which is started with Dead from Mayhem. What kind of connection do
you think black metal and suicide have?
The search
for utter darkness, feeling misplaced in this world, being depressed as you
don’t feel you fit in… Lots of people commit suicide, not only people involved
with black metal. However, the feelings and darkness is usually very essential
in black metal, so it’s not very surprising that several people within this
“scene” have passed away over the years.
Misanthropy as hated over humanity
and in sometimes hatred over every living thing including nature. What does
misanthropy mean to you? Do you call yourself misanthrope?
As said, if I have to label myself with anything, I will call myself a
realist, but of course, I have some misanthropic point of views.
How do you feel about drug usage in
rock/metal scenery? Do you think hallucinogens can contribute to inspiration on
music like opening a different perception as Aldoux Huxley mentioned much in
his book called Doors of Perception?
Yes, absolutely, but I don’t think that it works for everyone. Like so
many other things, I think this is very individual, and personally, when
writing music I usually end up dead drunk. Possibly not the best way to work,
but I think it’s essential in SMFN’s matter.
Niklas Kvarforth from Shining is
featuring in Suffer in Silence song from Livsgnist album in vocal parts and
lyrics. How was the working with him? How did you league together?
I knew Niklas from being on tour with Shining together with my other
band Sarkom. I told him about SMFN and that I wanted him to take part on one of
the songs. Sure thing, but today you can just send files over internet, so he
did his part in Sweden while I was at home in Norway. We communicated mostly
over e-mails and everything worked out great, I think!
Unlike SMFN, anti-religious side of
black metal is seen your other band called Sarkom. What do you think about
religions generally? What do Aleister Crowley’s disciplines or Anton La Vey’s
Church of Satan mean to you?
As said before, I’m a realist. If someone told me about a man who can
walk on water, then please show him to me and make him demonstrate how he does
that. Unless I can’t see it or personally feel it, it’s not real to me. On
topic, religion mostly sucks. Just look how they fight over things that claim
to be real. And that you will get seven virgins when you die for example, haha!
Unless they are pedophiles, most women aren’t virgins, so I don’t understand
how each and one of them will get seven!!? As for A. Crowley or La Vey, they
mean nothing to me. Don’t know so much about them either, so that’s rather
natural. I care mostly about myself and my closest and do what I want within a
certain limit, of course. As far as I know, I don’t get any ideas or way of
living because it’s written down or told by others. I have a slightly
functional brain, so I prefer to think myself rather than doing what others say
I should.
What do you want to say about Trondr
Nefas (Trond Bråthen) known with its band called Angst Skvadron who passed away
on May 2012? He is one of the friends of you which you contribute great
projects together. How is he remembered by your side and in black metal scene?
Nefas is one
of those I actually will call a pioneer in the black metal scene, and I’m
personally inspired by his work with Urgehal. That’s one of my favorite black
metal bands. He was not a close friend of mine, but we met from time to time.
As you say, we worked together, or he helped me out with a couple of guitar
solos on Livsgnist, which I rather will call it. However, I have several
memories of him and he was certainly a person not to forget! People still talks
about him “up here”, and there’s no reason why they shouldn’t! Even though he
is gone, his music will live for many decades!
Please share your last words and
wishes. Thank you for the interview.
If anyone
feels to check out SMFN after reading this, the easiest way is through
facebook. That’s where the shit happens these days. The page is regularly
updated by myself or our PR manager Patricia Thomas. As we also just have
started to play live, any interested bookers should not hesitate to get in
touch! Thanks for your time and support!
Originally published in Turkish on
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